
From iPhone Development Wiki
Revision as of 13:09, 5 February 2015 by Uroboro (talk | contribs) (→‎External links: Examples)
Cydia Package
Developer Ryan Petrich
Package ID applist
Latest Version 1.5.9

AppList is a library for fetching app information. As described on its package page in Cydia: "Allows developers to query the list of installed apps and provide a preferences pane based on that information. Exports displayIdentifier, displayName, icon and smallIcon via a remote messaging center so that it's easy to write a prefs pane that presents a list of apps."

How to use this library

Headers are available from Applist's GitHub project and the library can be found at /usr/lib/libapplist.dylib on a device where Applist is installed. If using Theos, place the headers in $THEOS/include/Applist, the library in $THEOS/lib/ and add applist to the XXX_LIBRARIES Makefile variable.


Simple Approach

The common way to use AppList is via its PreferenceLoader (preferences) integration, by putting entries in a PreferenceLoader plist: AppListSample.plist.

Key Type Description Default value
ALNavigationTitle string Navigation title. The specifier name
ALSingleEnabledMode bool Switch between single and multiple row selection. NO
ALSectionDescriptors array Array of PSSpecifier-style dictionaries. -
ALLocalizationBundle string Absolute path to a localization bundle. nil
ALSettingsDefaultValue object Default value. -
ALSettingsPath string Absolute file path to a settings file. -
ALSettingsKey string Key for the data to be saved. -
ALSettingsKeyPrefix string Key prefix for the key for the data to be saved. "ALValue-"
ALChangeNotification string Darwin notification string to be posted when a change happens. -
ALAllowsSelection bool Enable row selection. ALSingleEnabledMode value

To do: Add missing keys "listed" in the source code. Expand ALSectionDescriptors' usage like in Emphasize.

PreferenceBundle Approach

To get an array of applications' bundle identifiers and their display names sorted in alphabetical order by their display name:

// list all the apps
ALApplicationList *apps = [ALApplicationList sharedApplicationList];

// sort the apps by display name. displayIdentifiers is an autoreleased object.
NSArray *displayIdentifiers = [[apps.applications allKeys] sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id obj1, id obj2) {
	return [[apps.applications objectForKey:obj1] caseInsensitiveCompare:[apps.applications objectForKey:obj2]];}];

To get the display identifier and icon for a specific app at index {X}, choose a size from this enum:

enum {
	ALApplicationIconSizeSmall = 29,
	ALApplicationIconSizeLarge = 59

And use the following snippet:

NSString *displayIdentifier = [displayIdentifiers objectAtIndex:{X}];
UIImage *icon = [apps iconOfSize:ALApplicationIconSizeSmall forDisplayIdentifier:displayIdentifier];

As seen in ListLauncher7.

Retrieving Settings

As a filter, when using the simple selections (as single or switch options):

%ctor {
	NSString *identifier = [NSBundle mainBundle].bundleIdentifier;
	NSMutableDictionary *plistDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:plistpath];	
	if ([[plistDict objectForKey:[ALSettingsKeyPrefix stringByAppendingString:identifier]] boolValue]) {

Usages in opensource projects

External links