
From iPhone Development Wiki
Revision as of 20:51, 3 March 2014 by Twodayslate (talk | contribs)
Cydia Package
Developer Ryan Petrich
Package ID applist
Latest Version 1.5.7

AppList is a library for fetching app information. As described on its package page in Cydia: "Allows developers to query the list of installed apps and provide a preferences pane based on that information. Exports displayIdentifier, displayName, icon and smallIcon via a remote messaging center so that it's easy to write a prefs pane that presents a list of apps."


With PreferenceLoader

The common way to use AppList is via its PreferenceLoader (preferences) integration, by putting entries in a PreferenceLoader plist: AppListSample.plist.

NSMutableDictionary *plistDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: plistpath];

List of enabled apps:

[[plistDict objectForKey:@"enable"] isEqualToString: @"YES"]

Without PreferenceLoader

To get an array of applications and their display identifiers, do the following:

ALApplicationList *apps = [ALApplicationList sharedApplicationList]; //list all the apps

NSArray *displayIdentifiers = [[apps.applications allKeys] sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id obj1, id obj2) {
	    return [[apps.applications objectForKey:obj1] caseInsensitiveCompare:[apps.applications objectForKey:obj2]];}]; //sort the apps by display name
[displayIdentifiers retain]; //make sure it doesn't disappear when you actually need to use it, if you only use it once, release it

This gives you a list of all the apps in alphabetical order by their display name.

To get the display identifier and icon for a specific app at index {X} do the following:

NSString *displayIdentifier = [displayIdentifiers objectAtIndex:{X}];
UIImage *icon = [apps iconOfSize:{size here - see enums} forDisplayIdentifier:displayIdentifier];
enum {
	ALApplicationIconSizeSmall = 29,
	ALApplicationIconSizeLarge = 59

External links