
From iPhone Development Wiki
Revision as of 21:59, 11 November 2009 by KennyTM~ (talk | contribs) (→‎Predefined sounds: iPhone & iPod sound are different)

AudioServices is a group of C functions in AudioToolbox for playing short (≤30 seconds) sounds.

Predefined sounds

There are some predefined system sounds, for the system sound ID in the range 1000 to 2000 (decimal), as shown below (as of 3.1.2). The system sounds are all stored in /System/Library/Audio/UISounds/.

"| 1000 || new-mail.caf || new-mail.caf ||
Sound ID File name (iPhone) File name (iPod Touch) Category
1001 mail-sent.caf mail-sent.caf
1002 Voicemail.caf Voicemail.caf
1003 ReceivedMessage.caf ReceivedMessage.caf
1004 SentMessage.caf SentMessage.caf
1005 alarm.caf sq_alarm.caf
1006 low_power.caf low_power.caf
1007 sms-received1.caf sms-received1.caf
1008 sms-received2.caf sms-received2.caf
1009 sms-received3.caf sms-received3.caf
1010 sms-received4.caf sms-received4.caf
1012 sms-received1.caf sms-received1.caf
1013 sms-received5.caf sms-received5.caf
1014 sms-received6.caf sms-received6.caf
1015 Voicemail.caf Voicemail.caf
1050 ussd.caf ussd.caf
1051 SIMToolkitCallDropped.caf SIMToolkitCallDropped.caf
1052 SIMToolkitGeneralBeep.caf SIMToolkitGeneralBeep.caf
1053 SIMToolkitNegativeACK.caf SIMToolkitNegativeACK.caf
1054 SIMToolkitPositiveACK.caf SIMToolkitPositiveACK.caf
1055 SIMToolkitSMS.caf SIMToolkitSMS.caf
1057 Tink.caf Tink.caf
1070 ct-busy.caf ct-busy.caf
1071 ct-congestion.caf ct-congestion.caf
1072 ct-path-ack.caf ct-path-ack.caf
1073 ct-error.caf ct-error.caf
1074 ct-call-waiting.caf ct-call-waiting.caf
1075 ct-keytone2.caf ct-keytone2.caf
1100 lock.caf sq_lock.caf
1101 unlock.caf sq_lock.caf
1103 Tink.caf sq_tock.caf
1104 Tock.caf sq_tock.caf
1105 Tock.caf sq_tock.caf
1106 beep-beep.caf sq_beep-beep.caf
1107 RingerChanged.caf RingerChanged.caf
1108 photoShutter.caf photoShutter.caf
1109 shake.caf shake.caf
1110 jbl_begin.caf jbl_begin.caf
1111 jbl_confirm.caf jbl_confirm.caf
1112 jbl_cancel.caf jbl_cancel.caf
1113 begin_record.caf begin_record.caf
1114 end_record.caf end_record.caf
1115 jbl_ambiguous.caf jbl_ambiguous.caf
1116 jbl_no_match.caf jbl_no_match.caf
1117 begin_video_record.caf begin_video_record.caf
1118 end_video_record.caf end_video_record.caf
1200 dtmf-0.caf dtmf-0.caf
1201 dtmf-1.caf dtmf-1.caf
1202 dtmf-2.caf dtmf-2.caf
1203 dtmf-3.caf dtmf-3.caf
1204 dtmf-4.caf dtmf-4.caf
1205 dtmf-5.caf dtmf-5.caf
1206 dtmf-6.caf dtmf-6.caf
1207 dtmf-7.caf dtmf-7.caf
1208 dtmf-8.caf dtmf-8.caf
1209 dtmf-9.caf dtmf-9.caf
1210 dtmf-star.caf dtmf-star.caf
1211 dtmf-pound.caf dtmf-pound.caf
1254 long_low_short_high.caf long_low_short_high.caf
1255 short_double_high.caf short_double_high.caf
1256 short_low_high.caf short_low_high.caf
1257 short_double_low.caf short_double_low.caf
1258 short_double_low.caf short_double_low.caf
1259 middle_9_short_double_low.caf middle_9_short_double_low.caf
1300 Voicemail.caf Voicemail.caf
1301 ReceivedMessage.caf ReceivedMessage.caf
1302 new-mail.caf new-mail.caf
1303 mail-sent.caf mail-sent.caf
1304 alarm.caf sq_alarm.caf
1305 lock.caf sq_lock.caf
1306 Tock.caf sq_tock.caf
1307 sms-received1.caf sms-received1.caf
1308 sms-received2.caf sms-received2.caf
1309 sms-received3.caf sms-received3.caf
1310 sms-received4.caf sms-received4.caf
1312 sms-received1.caf sms-received1.caf
1313 sms-received5.caf sms-received5.caf
1314 sms-received6.caf sms-received6.caf
1315 Voicemail.caf Voicemail.caf