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This page describes various instructions associated to coprocessors on the ARM chip. [1]

CP15: System Control Coprocessor

Most operations are done using opcode "0". To read data from the coprocessor to the register rD, use the assembly

mrc p15, 0, <rD>, <cN>, <cM>, <opcode2>

To write data into coprocessor from rS, so

mcr p15, 0, <rS>, <cN>, <cM>, <opcode2>

Notable usage

In the iPhoneOS user-land, the most prominent use of CP15 is to provide thread-local storage via the "User read-only thread and process ID" register. For instance, in libSystem.dylib, pthread_self() is implemented as

	mrc	p15, 0, r0, c13, c0, 3
	bx	lr

Register allocation for Opcode 0

cN cM opcode2 Register Readable (mrc) Writable (mcr) Comments
c0 c0 0 Main ID Privileged No Contains vendor, architecture, part number, etc.[2]
c0 c0 1 Cache type Privileged No Size and architecture of cache.[3]
c0 c0 2 Tightly coupled memory (TCM) status Privileged No
c0 c0 3 Translation look-aside buffer (TLB) type Privileged No
c0 c0 5 Multiprocessor ID Privileged No (Cortex only.)
c0 c1 0 Processor feature 0 Privileged No
c0 c1 1 Processor feature 1 Privileged No
c0 c1 2 Debug feature 0 Privileged No
c0 c1 3 Auxiliary feature 0 Privileged No
c0 c1 4 Memory model feature 0 Privileged No
c0 c1 5 Memory model feature 1 Privileged No
c0 c1 6 Memory model feature 2 Privileged No
c0 c1 7 Memory model feature 3 Privileged No
c0 c2 0 Instruction set features 0 Privileged No
c0 c2 1 Instruction set features 1 Privileged No
c0 c2 2 Instruction set features 2 Privileged No
c0 c2 3 Instruction set features 3 Privileged No
c0 c2 4 Instruction set features 4 Privileged No
c1 c0 0 Control Privileged Privileged Controls whether MMU, cache, etc. are enabled or not.
c1 c0 1 Auxiliary control Privileged Privileged
c1 c0 2 Coprocessor access control Privileged Privileged
c1 c1 0 Secure configuration Privileged Privileged
c1 c1 1 Secure debug enable Privileged Privileged
c1 c1 2 Non-secure access control Privileged Privileged
c2 c0 0 Translation table base 0 (TTBR0) Privileged Privileged
c2 c0 1 Translation table base 1 (TTBR1) Privileged Privileged
c2 c0 2 Translation table base control Privileged Privileged
c3 c0 0 Domain access control Privileged Privileged
c5 c0 0 Data fault status (D-FSR) Privileged Privileged
c5 c0 1 Instruction fault status (I-FSR) Privileged Privileged
c5 c1 0 Data auxiliary fault status Privileged Privileged (Cortex only.)
c5 c1 1 Instruction auxiliary fault status Privileged Privileged (Cortex only.)
c6 c0 0 Fault address (FAR) Privileged Privileged
c6 c0 1 Watchpoint fault address (W-FAR) Privileged Privileged (ARM11 only.)
c6 c0 2 Instruction fault address (I-FAR) Privileged Privileged
c7 c0 4 Wait for interrupt No Privileged (ARM11 only.)
c7 c4 0 Physical address (PA) Privileged Privileged
c7 c5 0 Invalidate entire instruction cache No Privileged
c7 c5 1 Invalidate instruction line by modified virtual address (MVA) No Privileged
c7 c5 2 Invalidate instruction line by index No Privileged
c7 c5 4 Flush prefetch buffer No Yes
c7 c5 6 Flush entire branch target cache No Privileged (ARM11 only.)
c7 c5 7 Flush branch target cache entry by MVA No Privileged (ARM11 only.)
c7 c6 0 Invalidate entire data cache No Privileged
c7 c6 1 Invalidate data cache line by MVA No Privileged
c7 c6 2 Invalidate data cache line by index No Privileged
c7 c7 0 Invalidate both caches No Privileged
c7 c8 0 VA to PA translation in the current world for privileged read permission No Privileged
c7 c8 1 VA to PA translation in the current world for privileged write permission No Privileged
c7 c8 2 VA to PA translation in the current world for user read permission No Privileged
c7 c8 3 VA to PA translation in the current world for user write permission No Privileged
c7 c8 4 VA to PA translation in the other world for privileged read permission No Privileged
c7 c8 5 VA to PA translation in the other world for privileged write permission No Privileged
c7 c8 6 VA to PA translation in the other world for user read permission No Privileged
c7 c8 7 VA to PA translation in the other world for user write permission No Privileged
c7 c10 0 Clean entire data cache No Privileged
c7 c10 1 Clean data cache line by MVA No Privileged
c7 c10 2 Clean data cache line by index No Privileged
c7 c10 3 Data synchronization barrier No Yes Ensure all outstanding explicit memory transactions complete before any following instructions begin.
c7 c10 4 Data memory barrier No Yes Ensure that all outstanding explicit memory transactions complete before any following explicit memory transactions begin.
c7 c10 5 Cache dirty status Privileged No
c7 c13 1 Prefetch instruction cache line No Privileged
c7 c14 0 Clean and invalidate entire data cache No Privileged
c7 c14 1 Clean and invalidate data cache line by MVA No Privileged
c7 c14 2 Clean and invalidate data cache line by index No Privileged
c8 c5 0 Invalidate instruction TLB unlocked entries No Privileged
c8 c5 1 Invalidate instruction TLB entry by MVA No Privileged
c8 c5 2 Invalidate instruction TLB entry on ASID match No Privileged
c8 c6 0 Invalidate data TLB unlocked entries No Privileged
c8 c6 1 Invalidate data TLB entry by MVA No Privileged
c8 c6 2 Invalidate data TLB entry on ASID match No Privileged
c8 c7 0 Invalidate unified TLB unlocked entries No Privileged
c8 c7 1 Invalidate unified TLB entry by MVA No Privileged
c8 c7 2 Invalidate unified TLB entry on ASID match No Privileged
c9 c0 0 Data cache lockdown Privileged Privileged
c9 c0 1 Instruction cache lockdown Privileged Privileged
c9 c1 0 Data TCM region Privileged Privileged
c9 c1 1 Instruction TCM region Privileged Privileged
c9 c1 2 Data TCM non-secure control access Privileged Privileged
c9 c1 3 Instruction TCM non-secure control access Privileged Privileged
c9 c2 0 TCM selection Privileged Privileged
c9 c8 0 Cache behavior override Privileged Privileged
c10 c0 0 TLB lockdown Privileged Privileged
c10 c2 0 Primary region memory remap register Privileged Privileged
c10 c2 1 Normal region memory remap register Privileged Privileged
c11 c0 0 DMA present Privileged No
c11 c0 1 DMA queued Privileged No
c11 c0 2 DMA running Privileged No
c11 c0 3 DMA interrupting Privileged No
c11 c1 0 DMA user accessibility Privileged No
c11 c2 0 DMA channel number Yes Yes
c11 c3 0 DMA start No Yes
c11 c3 1 DMA stop No Yes
c11 c3 2 DMA clear No Yes
c11 c4 0 DMA control Yes Yes
c11 c5 0 DMA internal start address Yes Yes
c11 c6 0 DMA external start address Yes Yes
c11 c7 0 DMA internal end address Yes Yes
c11 c8 0 DMA channel status Yes No
c11 c15 0 DMA context ID Privileged Privileged
c12 c0 0 Secure or non-secure vector base address Privileged Privileged
c12 c0 1 Monitor vector base address Privileged Privileged
c12 c1 0 Interrupt status Privileged No
c13 c0 0 Fast context switch extension (FSCE) PID Privileged Privileged Deprecated.
c13 c0 1 Context ID Privileged Privileged
c13 c0 2 User read/write thread and process ID Yes Yes
c13 c0 3 User read-only thread and process ID Yes Privileged Used to implement pthread_self() in the iPhoneOS.
c13 c0 4 Privileged only thread and process ID Privileged Privileged
c15 c2 4 Peripheral port memory remap Privileged Privileged
c15 c9 0 Secure user and non-secure access validation control Privileged Privileged
c15 c12 0 Performance monitor control Yes Yes
c15 c12 1 Cycle counter Yes Yes
c15 c12 2 Count 0 Yes Yes
c15 c12 3 Count 1 Yes Yes

c15 is also involved in other operations using opcode 1 and above which are not reproduced here.

CP14: Debug Register

Not to be included here.

CP10 & CP11: Vector floating point coprocessor

Both CP10 and CP11 are used for the VFP11 coprocessor. CP10 is for single-precision and CP11 for double-precision.
