
From iPhone Development Wiki
Cydia Package
Developer Ryan Petrich, Jack Willis
Package ID libflipswitch
Latest Version 1.0.4

libflipswitch is a library used to implement a centralized toggle system. Flipswitch switches (or toggles) can be used as extensions of existing tweaks to provide an interface to enable/disable them.

How to use this library

Headers are available from Flipswitch's GitHub project and the library can be found at /usr/lib/libflipswitch.dylib on a device where Flipswitch is installed. If using Theos, place the headers in $THEOS/include/flipswitch, the library in $THEOS/lib/ and add flipswitch to the XXX_LIBRARIES Makefile variable.

How to make a new switch

To make a switch you should: implement the code, set a secondary action (optional) and create a glyph.

To-do: add documentation on code-less switches by doing: "NSPrincipalClass set to FSPreferenceSwitchDataSource, key set to settings key, defaults set to the preferences plist name, default set to the default value, negate set to whether the boolean value should be flipped, and PostNotification set to the notification name to fire and observe"

Implementing the Code

Save this NIC template to the $THEOS/templates/iphone directory and call $THEOS/bin/nic.pl to get a premade switch. Once built, it will be installed to /Library/Switches/.

There will be 2 methods already written in Switch.x. The first one will return the current state of the switch. Here's an example:

- (FSSwitchState)stateForSwitchIdentifier:(NSString *)switchIdentifier
        return (getSwitchState())?FSSwitchStateOn:FSSwitchStateOff;

Where getSwichState() returns a BOOL.

The second method will set a new state for the switch. Here's another example:

- (void)applyState:(FSSwitchState)newState forSwitchIdentifier:(NSString *)switchIdentifier
	switch (newState) {
	case FSSwitchStateIndeterminate:
	case FSSwitchStateOn:
		//enable your tweak
	case FSSwitchStateOff:
		//disable your tweak

Aditionally, you can add this method so your switch has a proper title instead of its bundle ID:

- (NSString *)titleForSwitchIdentifier:(NSString *)switchIdentifier {
	return @"my switch";

You will find the protocol with the list of methods to implement in FSSwitchDataSource.h located in your switch folder.

Secondary action

In the file Resources/Info.plist you can find the key "alternate-action-url", which will enable you to open a URI when the secondary action of the switch is invoked, in case - (void)applyAlternateActionForSwitchIdentifier:(NSString *)switchIdentifier; is not implemented. The default value is "prefs:".


Glyphs are the visual part of the switch that should represent your switch's state. To create one, you have to create at least two icons (one for on state and one for off state) as black vector images with transparent background. Then, save those vector images as PDF and name them glyph.pdf for the on state and glyph-off.pdf for the off state. You should then move these PDFs to your Resources folder, where an Info.plist file resides.


Simple Approach

Add the following dictionary to your PreferenceLoader plist to make use of the Flipswitch preference bundle:

	<string>Active Switches</string>

Extra keys for optimal usage:

key type description
flipswitchTemplateBundle string absolute path to a bundle containing a flipswitch template bundle
flipswitchSettingsFile string absolute file path to a settings file
flipswitchPostNotification string notification string to be posted when a change happens
flipswitchEnabledKey string key for array of enabled switches
flipswitchDisabledKey string key for array of disabled switches
flipswitchDefaultEnabled array array of switch identifiers that are in the enabled section by default
flipswitchDefaultDisabled array array of switch identifiers that are in the disabled section by default
flipswitchSettingsMode string set to "enabling" for checkable cells or "reordering" for draggable cells
flipswitchNewAreDisabled BOOL switches not present previously settings file are added to the disabled switches array, if false, they are added to the enabled switches array
flipswitchThemedInfoDictionary string absolute path to a template bundle

How to make a template bundle

These bundles contain information about how a switch glyph (the image that the user sees for a given switch) is rendered when it is used in a button returned by the appropriate method of the FlipSwitch panel. Bundles contain an Info.plist file and optionally image files. Here is an example of an Info.plist, taken from SwitchIcons:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

Keys not specified in the following table can use the same values as the example given.

key type meaning
CFBundleIdentifier string Template bundle identifier.
width integer Width of the icon.
height integer Height of the icon.
layers array ... of dictionaries Change visuals of switch glyph.

layers array can contain dictionaries with the following keys:

key type meaning range of values default value depends
type string Layer type. "image", "glyph" - -
opacity float Alpha value for current layer. 0.0 to 1.0 1.0 -
x float X value for offset position. - 0.0 -
y float Y value for offset position. - 0.0 -
fileName string Image filename without extension. - - -
blur float Blur value for current layer. 0.0 to 1.0 0.0 type = "glyph"
size float Glyph size. - 0 type = "glyph"
state string Switch state filter. "on", "off", "indeterminate" - type = "glyph"
cutout BOOL Cutout mask flag. - NO type = "glyph"
cutoutX float X offset for cutout mask. - 0.0 type = "glyph" && cutout = YES
cutoutY float Y offset for cutout mask. - 0.0 type = "glyph" && cutout = YES
cutoutBlur float Blur for cutout mask. 0.0 to 1.0 0.0 type = "glyph" && cutout = YES
color string Hex color for current layer. "#000000" to "#ffffff" "#000000" type = "glyph" && filename = nil

layers are applied to the button one over the other.

If type is "image", the current layer will draw the image found in filename. Best use of this layer could be as a background.

If type is "glyph", the current layer will use the switch glyph as a mask. When state is present, the layer will select the glyph for said state. If cutout is true, the layer will be composed of only the glyph's borders.

It is possible to use a layer for each state by creating new layers arrays named layers-on, layers-off or layers-indeterminate.

For more information, see this resource

To do: add blendMode key.

How to show switches

The following code can be used to retrieve the full list of switches that FlipSwitch knows about:

NSBundle *templateBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:@"/path/to/bundle.bundle"];
FSSwitchPanel *fsp = [FSSwitchPanel sharedPanel];
for (NSString *identifier in fsp.switchIdentifiers) {
	UIButton *button = [fsp buttonForSwitchIdentifier:identifier usingTemplate:templateBundle];
	// ... now you have a button with the style described by the template bundle that you can add to any view

Explain how to retrieve the switches from the settings bundle (start from here maybe?)

External links