How to use IRC

From iPhone Development Wiki
Revision as of 09:03, 21 August 2013 by AngelXwind (talk | contribs)

What is IRC, and how do I use it?

IRC, or Internet Relay Chat, is a simple, low-bandwidth chat platform that has been around for some time.

IRC Clients

In order to connect to an IRC server, you must first download an IRC client.

Here are a list of common IRC clients, sorted by platform. The client in bold is recommended, but feel free to try out the others to see which one you prefer!

The Saurik IRC Network

saurik runs an InspirIRCd instance on his server at

Port 6667 is opened as raw, unencrypted IRC. This is the default port most clients will connect to.

Ports 6697, 7001, and 7070 are opened as encrypted SSL IRC.

The iPhone Dev Wiki has a channel on the Saurik IRC Network, which can be found at #iphonedev @

Feel free to drop by and listen for a bit. If you have a question, but don't get an immediate response, be patient and wait a while, since not everyone is always awake and online to answer your questions.

It's also helpful to do your best finding an answer yourself (via Google, etc.) before asking in the channel.