
From iPhone Development Wiki
Revision as of 20:39, 13 August 2015 by Acounteer (talk | contribs) (Fix inaccurate information. (I only know what code handles this struct, and it has multiple "paths" - I mistakenly thought I was certain of which path was taken before, but that didn't make sense in 64-bit mode))

IOMobileFramebuffer is a kernel extension for managing the screen framebuffer. It is controlled by the user-land framework IOMobileFramework.


Selector Action Input Output
3 getDefaultSurface - IOSurfaceID surfaceID
4 swapBegin - IOMobileFramebufferSwapID swapID
5 swapEnd struct IOMobileFramebufferSwapArg -
6 swapWait IOMobileFramebufferSwapID swapID, uint32_t waitOptions, (iOS 4.2+ only) uint64_t timeout_millis -
7 getId - IOSwapNotificationID framebufferID
8 getDisplaySize - struct IOMobileFramebufferDisplaySize
9 setVSyncNotifications size_t functionAddress (if 0, notification is disabled), size_t userData -
12 requestPowerChange uint32_t value -
15 setDebugFlags uint32_t ???[2] uint32_t ???
17 setGammaTable struct IOMobileFramebufferGammaTables -
18 isMainDisplay - uint32_t result
19 setWhiteOnBlackMode uint32_t value -
22 setDisplayDevice uint32_t value -
27 getGammaTable - struct IOMobileFramebufferGammaTables
33(*) setVideoPowerSaving uint32_t value -
50(**) setBrightnessCorrection uint32_t value -

(*) - was 32 before 4.0

(**) - was 49 before 8.0


// This can be the first argument to a layer swap notification.
// In that case, the other two arguments are interpreted as
//   IOMobileFramebufferSwapID ''swapID'', uint32_t ''
// Swap notifications can be sent, for example, via -[EAGLContext sendNotification: forTransaction: onLayer:]
typedef uint32_t IOSwapNotificationID;

struct UInt32Rect {
  uint32_t x, y, width, height;

struct UInt8Bgra {
  uint8_t b, g, r, a;

// bits 0.. 3 - bit per layer
// bit 31 - bit for bg color
typedef uint32_t IOMobileFramebufferSwapFlags;

#if IOS_VERSION >= 7.0
const int NUM_LAYERS = 4;
const int NUM_LAYERS = 3;

struct IOMobileFramebufferSwapArg {

#if IOS_VERSION >= 7.0
  int64_t timeStamps[3];

#if IOS_VERSION >= 8.0
  uint64_t imageSources[16]; // ?
  uint32_t numImageSources; // 0..16
  uint32_t ???; // padding?

  IOMobileFramebufferSwapID swapID;
  IOSurfaceID surfaceID[NUM_LAYERS];

  UInt32Rect bounds[NUM_LAYERS]; // surface source bounds

#if IOS_VERSION >= 4.3
  UInt32Rect uiSubRegion[NUM_LAYERS]; // ?
  uint32_t edgeMode[NUM_LAYERS]; // ?
  float32_t edgeCoverage[NUM_LAYERS]; // ?

  UInt32Rect frames[NUM_LAYERS]; // framebuffer target frame

  IOMobileFramebufferSwapFlags providedFlags; // which layers are provided for swap (in this structure)
  IOMobileFramebufferSwapFlags readyFlags; // which layers are ready to be swapped
                                           // (layers that aren't ready must be notified as ready later via layer swap notifications)
  UInt8Bgra bgColor;
  uint32_t gammaTable; // 0..2, index to gamma table to use
  uint32_t rotation[NUM_LAYERS]; // 0 - none, 1 - 90 left, 2 - 180, 3 - 90 right

#if IOS_VERSION >= 4.3
  uint32_t destEdgeAlpha; // ?
#if IOS_VERSION >= 7.0
  uint32_t ???[2];

struct IOMobileFramebufferDisplaySize {
  uint32_t width;
  uint32_t height;

struct IOMobileFramebufferGammaTables {
  struct GammaTable {

    // Each value has 2 bitfields: [0..9] and [10..19]. Meanings unknown.
#if IOS_VERSION >= 7.0
    uint32_t value[0x101];
    uint32_t value[0x100];

  } gammaTable[3];

Sync Notification

The notification can be registered for a IOMobileFramebuffer connection by setting the mach port via IOConnectSetNotificationPort and then setting the function and userdata via method setVSyncNotifications.

The message is parsed by IODispatchCalloutFromCFMessage, and is most likely an IO Async Completion notification. The function and user data are in elements 1 & 2 of the OSAsyncReference64 array. This async completion notification has at least one argument, which is a pointer to IOMobileFramebufferTimingData (driver-mapped memory)

struct IOMobileFramebufferTimingData {

 int64 frameNumber;
 int64 currentTime;
 int64 frameDuration;

}; </source>