Next Steps After Getting Started

From iPhone Development Wiki
Revision as of 23:48, 7 January 2015 by Uroboro (talk | contribs) (→‎Integrating Your Tweak With Activator: It's the other way around)

Let's say you've figured out how to set up Theos, you know enough Objective-C to fool around, you know a little about how to use Cydia Substrate, and basically you've read all the beginner tutorials - what do you read next to learn more about jailbroken development as you experiment with building your own project? We should have a set of "next steps" tutorials for you!

These ones haven't been written yet, but it would be pretty cool for somebody to write them...maybe you? Anyone can start a page and begin writing some explanations, or you can just start filling out the sections below with more information. (Also, if you have an idea for a tutorial that you would like to see, feel free to add it to this list - it might inspire somebody to write an explanation of that thing you want to learn about.)

Using Development Tools

Changing System Volume with AVSystemController and Cycript

  • assumes the reader has basic Cycript and Objective-C knowledge
  • takes the reader on a journey through AVSystemController's methods using cycript
  • documents the thought process (ex. "-getVolume:(float*)arg1 forCategory:(id)arg2 indicates that there are different categories of volumes and they each have their own values")
  • ends with using the information learned to make a really simple command line utility

Dynamic Method Hooking With Cycript

  • assumes the reader has basic Cycript and Objective-C knowledge
  • showcases Cycript's ability to hook methods
  • hook some example methods to display benefits of dynamic hooking

What's %ctor good for?

  • explains what %ctor is and how to use it
  • show some example situations where it might be useful
  • show situations where %ctor is NOT a good idea

Dissecting App Store Apps

Integrating with Third Party Frameworks and Libraries

Building Tweak Settings with PreferenceLoader

  • goes through the process of building simple tweak preferences that are shown in Settings
  • shows the correct way to read/write to those settings in your tweak code
  • also shows how to use popular third party additions such as AppList / libcolorpicker / Activator

Your First Flipswitch

  • explains the idea behind the Flipswitch framework
  • goes through the different methods / objects you'll probably be using
  • shows how to build a simple flipswitch (ex. a simple flashlight toggle)

Integrating Your Tweak With Activator

  • goes through the Activator library
  • dos / don't of the Activator API
  • demo a simple Activator event (ex. got a notification from a specific app)
  • demo a simple Activator listener (ex. show an alert)