Repository Management

From iPhone Development Wiki

This page contains instructions for getting a personal repository set up, and general tips and tricks.


If you have no interest in setting up your own server, you can always use MyRepoSpace.


Cydia uses a Debian APT-like implementation to manage packages.

saurik's explanation

If you have no experience with Debian APT, then you can read saurik's excellent writeup on the subject, which should be more than enough to get you started.

Other explanations

Quick and dirty summary

Repository structure

The basic idea is that you have two files in your server, Packages and Release. These files can be bzipped to save bandwidth (i.e. Packages.bz2 and Release.bz2). Packages contains all of the information related to the different packages on your server (and where to download them, more on that later) and Release contains all of the information related to your server (like the name, icon, description, etc).

If you want to see an example of a typical Packages and Release file, go to your sources in Cydia and find a repository hosted by a 3rd party. Copy-paste the URL in your browser and append Release.bz2 (or Release if you get a 404) to the end. Same thing applies with Packages.

.deb files

The Packages file mentioned earlier points to .deb files in your server that you can download. These are made with dpkg-deb. Manpage here. The idea is that you set up a folder in the way you'd want the files to appear in your filesystem (and the DEBIAN folder, which would contain your control file) when it installs in Cydia, and then you'd use dpkg-deb -b folder_name to make the package (which will be named folder_name.deb.

Private repos

The most trivial way to get private repository is to restrict access based on UDID. Cydia sends the user's UDID via the HTTP_X_UNIQUE_ID HTTP header, so your server could check that against a database in order to ensure that the user has rightful access.

PHP implementation

A PHP implementation can be found here.