Secure Element

From iPhone Development Wiki
Revision as of 05:35, 25 September 2015 by Peterfillmore (talk | contribs)

The Secure Element is part of the NFC chip described in [[1]] and used to store the commands, signatures and cryptographic keys used in ApplePay transactions.

The programming interface is spread across the following binaries: /lib/exec/seld /usr/lib/libnfshared.dylib

Unlike the PN548 element - the commands for the secure element appear to be embedded in the seld daemon.

Communication to the secure element is performed through XPC calls to seld.

SELD plist: {

   EnablePressuredExit = 1;
   EnableTransactions = 1;
   ExitTimeOut = 40;
   Label = "";
   MachServices =     {
       "" = 1;
       "" = 1;
   Program = "/usr/libexec/seld";
   RunAtLoad = 1;
   UserName = mobile;
