Updating extensions for iOS 11: Difference between revisions

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When installing a tweak on this OS, instead of MobileSubstrate it queues up Substitute, Substrate Compatibility Layer, Tweak Injector. Substitute is basically the alternative runtime modification framework to Cydia Substrate. Normally, tweaks created using Cydia Substrate will work just fine with Substitute because it includes Cydia Substrate based function calls that link to Substitute itself. Developers do not need to use Substitute directly. Tweak Injector, similar to how Cydia Substrate works, will be injected to every process spawned by "posix_spawn", deciding which tweaks should be run on which processes.
When installing a tweak on this OS, instead of MobileSubstrate it queues up Substitute, Substrate Compatibility Layer, Tweak Injector. Substitute is basically the alternative runtime modification framework to Cydia Substrate. Normally, tweaks created using Cydia Substrate will work just fine with Substitute because it includes Cydia Substrate based function calls that link to Substitute itself. Developers do not need to use Substitute directly. Tweak Injector, similar to how Cydia Substrate works, will be injected to every process spawned by "posix_spawn", deciding which tweaks should be run on which processes.
There is an issue with package dependencies, e.g. "Note: After you install Semperon, you’ll also need to manually install two dependencies from Cydia: 1) libSparkAppList and 2) PrefixUI. Citing the developer, these aren’t installed automatically because of an APT bug present in this version of Cydia on iOS 11."  <ref>Bouchard, Anthony [http://www.idownloadblog.com/2018/07/19/semperon/ "Semperon adds an ‘always-on-display’ to your jailbroken iPhone"] ''[[iDownloadBlog]]''</ref>

[[Category:Updating extensions]]
[[Category:Updating extensions]]

Revision as of 20:04, 22 July 2018

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Since iOS 9.3.3 the SBScreenshotManager has been used. This is no longer the case, it seems. The class still exists, however it doesn't appear to be used anymore. Instead, there is a new framework named "ScreenshotServices" where most of the screenshot abilities have been kicked off to.

However, if the needs are simple, the SpringBoard _class_ has gotten two new methods to kick off screenshots with as well. `takeScreenshot` will be invoked with the hardware keys, at which point you can do what you need. This method won't work when the user invokes a screenshot in another way, like with AssistiveTouch. `takeScreenshot` only calls `takeScreenshotAndEdit:(BOOL)arg1` though, which IS called by AssistiveTouch, so you can use that one instead.

If you have more complex needs, you likely will have to dig into the new services. Here is the partly decompiled version (Hopper) of `takeScreenshotAndEdit:` for some guidance.

   void -[SpringBoard takeScreenshotAndEdit:](void * self, void * _cmd, bool edit) {
       SSScreenCapturerPresentationOptions *options = [SSScreenCapturerPresentationOptions new];
       if ([SSScreenCapturer shouldUseScreenCapturerForScreenshots]) {
               [options setPresentationMode:edit];
               [self->_screenCapturer takeScreenshotWithPresentationOptions:options];
       else {
               [self->_screenshotManager saveScreenshots];

Other avenues for screenshots I found while researching were:

- `SBCombinationHardwareButtonActions`s method `-(void)performTakeScreenshotAction` which also did not work with AssistiveTouch.

- `SSScreenCaptureAbilityCheck`s method `-(bool)isAbleToTakeScreenshots` which seems to be always called. I didn't track down exactly from where it was called yet. I didn't need it.

- `SSMainScreenSnapshotter` and `SSOtherScreenSnapshotter` are highly related to taking screenshots, however I did not use these either. But worth looking into if you have multi-screen needs maybe.

SBUserAgent changes

SBUserAgent still exists, however it is no longer accessible through the previous shared instance. It has instead been moved into SpringBoard as an ivar and can be accessed through a method. So the change can look like something like this in iOS 11:

   Class SpringBoardClass = objc_getClass("SpringBoard");
   SpringBoard *springBoardInstance = [SpringBoardClass sharedApplication];
   SBUserAgent *userAgent = [springBoardInstance pluginUserAgent];
   UIDeviceOrientation orientation = [userAgent activeInterfaceOrientation];

While iOS 10 and below could look like:

   UIDeviceOrientation orientation = [[objc_getClass("SBUserAgent") sharedUserAgent] activeInterfaceOrientation];

Disabling CC, NC and Home gestures

In iOS 11 the CC moved to the top right, rather than the bottom. It also added the Home gesture for iPhone X devices. Since the code is pretty large (documentation) I'll make a new page for it with all versions in one.

See Disabling NC, CC and Home gestures for information of all versions.

Handling iPhone X

If you don't have an iPhone X handy, you may use LittleX to emulate iPhone X-specific functionalities on your non-X devices.

Invoking app switcher

Pre iOS 11 we can use

   SBMainSwitcherViewController *svm = [objc_getClass("SBMainSwitcherViewController") sharedInstance];
   [svm toggleSwitcherNoninteractively];

And in iOS 11 it changed to use 'toggleSwitcherNoninteractivelyWithSource' like this

   SBMainSwitcherViewController *svm = [objc_getClass("SBMainSwitcherViewController") sharedInstance];
   [svm toggleSwitcherNoninteractivelyWithSource:nil];

Updating extensions for iOS 11.3.1

When installing a tweak on this OS, instead of MobileSubstrate it queues up Substitute, Substrate Compatibility Layer, Tweak Injector. Substitute is basically the alternative runtime modification framework to Cydia Substrate. Normally, tweaks created using Cydia Substrate will work just fine with Substitute because it includes Cydia Substrate based function calls that link to Substitute itself. Developers do not need to use Substitute directly. Tweak Injector, similar to how Cydia Substrate works, will be injected to every process spawned by "posix_spawn", deciding which tweaks should be run on which processes.

There is an issue with package dependencies, e.g. "Note: After you install Semperon, you’ll also need to manually install two dependencies from Cydia: 1) libSparkAppList and 2) PrefixUI. Citing the developer, these aren’t installed automatically because of an APT bug present in this version of Cydia on iOS 11." [1]