Updating extensions for iOS 11

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Revision as of 16:07, 17 March 2018 by Jontelang (talk | contribs)

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Since iOS 9.3.3 the SBScreenshotManager has been used. This is no longer the case, it seems. The class still exists, however it doesn't appear to be used anymore. Instead, there is a new framework named "ScreenshotServices" where most of the screenshot abilities have been kicked off to.

However, if the needs are simple, the SpringBoard _class_ has gotten two new methods to kick off screenshots with as well. `takeScreenshot` will be invoked with the hardware keys, at which point you can do what you need. This method won't work when the user invokes a screenshot in another way, like with AssistiveTouch. `takeScreenshot` only calls `takeScreenshotAndEdit:(BOOL)arg1` though, which IS called by AssistiveTouch, so you can use that one instead.

If you have more complex needs, you likely will have to dig into the new services. Here is the decompiled version (Hopper) of `takeScreenshotAndEdit:` for some guidance.

   void -[SpringBoard takeScreenshotAndEdit:](void * self, void * _cmd, bool arg2) {
       r21 = arg2;
       r20 = self;
       r19 = [SSScreenCapturerPresentationOptions new];
       if ([SSScreenCapturer shouldUseScreenCapturerForScreenshots] != 0x0) {
               [r19 setPresentationMode:r21];
               [r20->_screenCapturer takeScreenshotWithPresentationOptions:r19];
       else {
               [r20->_screenshotManager saveScreenshots];