
8 editsJoined 17 February 2018
Revision as of 15:23, 17 February 2018 by ISn0w (talk | contribs)

File:Https:// images/963542266689343488/WuZ8xCuR 400x400.jpg


iSn0w is a 15 Year old Security researcher which aims on iOS Hacking and other Hacking stuff.


He made certain exploits which aim at getting read and write access to the root file system.


He worked on the iOS 11.1.X Jailbreak which could be seen as a good alternative to coolstars electra ! He also worked on a Cydia repo maker which is made for already jailbroken devices to make the process of creating a whole repo a lot easier ! ( iCreator )


iCreator is the most responsive Cydia Repo creator out there at the current point !